
Each Demonstrator will be documented in it own directory; by the developer(s). See below for the list of DDS-Demonstrator (in various stages).

Title ID Status Outgoing Incoming Tags
Flood F_001 import F
Household Heating HH_001 on-hold HH
MatrixBoard MBC_001 import MBC
RoundTrip RT_001 import RT
XScope (base) XS_001 import XS


for developers

Please create your own directory (within your Feature-branch/fork) with a name as set by the product-owner. Both in the src and docs/doc/Demonstrators directory. Use the doc-directory to document the Demonstrator.

See the Team pages directory for “scratch” documentation on personal/team-level. Also, create a subdir there.

The (toplevel) requirements and backlog of Demonstrator can be found: Backlog & requirements