Household Heating Demonstrator


On Hold

This Demonstrator is on-hold for now; it has a technical complexity that was initially not foreseen. And was not part of the project.

As this control-loop has a feedback loop, a simple “event driven” architecture can/will result in (indirect) self-trigering of all nodes. That is not indented! This is easy to solve using “controll-loop concepts”; but that is not the goal of this Demonstrator.

title “Household Heating”
!include ../../_inc/class-as-Node.iuml

class “Clock/\nProgram” as clock
class “Controller\nPID” as pid
class “Heater\n(actor)” as actor
class “House\n(model)”  as house
class “Temp\n(sensor)”  as sensor

clock -right-|> pid: set_temp

pid   -right-|>  actor:  percentage
actor  -down-|>  house:  on/off
house  -left-|>  sensor: heat
sensor   -up-|>  pid:    actual_temp

Demonstrator: Household Heating HH_001 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: on-hold
tags: HH
style: needs_red
To Be Done