authors:Sam Laan
date:March 2020


ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) is a message-oriented middleware. It is used in various environments for example in embedded systems, aerospace and financial services. ZeroMQ provides a library, not a messaging server. It gives sockets that carry atomic messages across various transports like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. Each socket can handle communication with multiple peers. ZeroMQ allows these sockets to be connected through different patterns. The protocol uses ZMTP(ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol) on the wire which makes use of message batching, asynchronous communication and supports zero-copy. ZeroMQ core is written in C/C++ and has bindings for most modern programming languages and operating systems.

ZMQ install

To use ZeroMQ the C library has to be installed this can be done like so:

git clone
cd libzmq
mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ..
sudo make install

After this the C++ lib can be installed. The cppzmq was chosen because it’s the most lightweight, the most used and the best mantained C++ lib.

git clone
cd cppzmq
mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ..
sudo make install

ZMQ solutions

This list contains the solutions regarding ZMQ and C++.